Collection: Reef Supplements

Highest purity ingredents with reasonable budget for your reef tanks.

All supplements we make are dosing in ALL our Not A Feesh coral tanks.

What we sell is what we are using.

Reef Supplements

Why you make NOT A FEESH supplements?

At the beginning, we just wanted to give our corals the best nutrient with the least impurity on a reasonable budget. And then we found out that our corals are happy and grow much faster using our own supplemtns and 3-part. Then some customers also want to try it out. And their corals love NAF supplemts too! So we started to sell our branded 3-part and trace elements. Because we believe your corals also deserve high quality nutrients without breaking your bank!

  1. Corals generally like good pH range from 8.0-8.4. If the low point of pH in a day gets close to or even lower than 7.8, corals will have weaker immunity. Some SPS corals will suddenly die over night because some slightly changes. Our Alkalinity supplement is NaOH, generally will give a pH boost about 0.2.(DISCLAIMER: pH boost result may varies based on different tank conditions. 0.2 pH boost is NOT a guaranteed result).
  2. Sensitive but beautiful LPS like Goniopora needs trace elements (eg, Iodide, Maganese) replenished from time to time to thrive. A good example is our Glitter Bomb goniopora's transformation on the right side!
  3. Acroporas, Acanthophyllia, Scolymia need trace elements to fully develope their unique colors.

As mention, we dose our 2/3 part into our own coral tanks. And we do ICP-MS and ICP-OES tests regularly on all our tanks to review the element levels. Then we do improvment and upgrates on our 2/3 part based on results on our tanks and customers' feed back. Here is one example of our customers' tanks.

We are happy to help with your tank and get feedback from you about how your corals reacts to our supplements!

What material you use to make the supplements?

We use ACS reagent grade salts for the trace elements, and USP or higher for NaOH, CaCl2, MgCl2, and MgSO4.

ACS Grade: Acceptable for food, drug, or medicinal use and can be used for ACS applications or for general procedures that require stringent quality specifications and a purity of ≥95%.

USP Grade: A very high purity grade of chemical or solvent that is safe to be used in many pharmaceutical and personal care products.

How do I use the Three-part?

We recomend set up a doser with 3 heads to dose our 3-part 24 hours/ day. For example, dose part A(Alkalinity) at 1:00 AM, Part B (Calcium) at 1:05 AM, Part C (Magnesium) at 1:10 AM. Next round of dosing the 3 is: 2:00 AM, 2:05 AM, 2:1O AM...

How do I know how much I should dose into my tank?

We have instruction for calculating dosage on Alkalinity label.

For a desired change in Alkalinity A, and a water volume in gallons V, the amount of supplement to add D(ml) may be calculated as follow:

D= 0.71422 x A x V

Ex.: To increase the alkalinity by 0.1 dkh in a 50 gallon system, you would add:

0.71422 x 0.1 x 50 = 3.57ml

If your tank only consumes 0.1 dkh a day, you should divide the whole amount (here is 3.57ml) by 24 for 24 hours auto dosing. so each hour, you dose"

3.57 ml /24 = 0.14875 ml

But I only have 2-head doser, what should I do?

We are currently testing our NEW 2-part for customers who only have 2-head doser. Send us a message if you want to get the 2-part Beta version!

If you still have questions about our supplement, send us a message! We are happy to help!